
The Truth About Melatonin – Does it Really Work?


Those who have difficulty sleeping are often recommended melatonin supplements since they’re known to help people fall into a healthy sleep routine.

There are many forms you can take, including pills, liquids, and even melatonin in gummy bears –but do they really work? Here is everything you need to know about melatonin.

How Does Melatonin Work?

Melatonin is a naturally made hormone found in the pineal gland in your brain. It’s commonly known as the “sleep hormone” because higher levels of it help you fall asleep.

It works together with your body’s cardiac rhythm to let you know when it’s time to sleep, wake up, and eat. Fun fact: melatonin is also found in bone marrow, the eyes, and the gut!

Once it gets dark, your melatonin levels rise, letting your body know it’s time to start winding down. It also binds with the receptors in your brain to help reduce nerve activity.

For example, melatonin reduces dopamine, the hormone that keeps you awake.

Melatonin levels will begin to suppress in the light, which lets you know it’s time to wake up. How much light you get in the day, along with your internal clock, determines how much melatonin your body makes.

Issues Melatonin Can Help

Millions of Americans are affected by poor sleep. Not getting enough rest can lead to consequences, such as lack of energy or an increased risk of developing high blood pressure.

Melatonin is shown to help those with common sleep problems, including:


When you travel through multiple time zones, your cardiac rhythm gets thrown off. Jet lag can cause side effects like headaches, irritability, and insomnia.

Many individuals with jet lag take melatonin supplements to help them get better rest.

Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

DSWPD is a disorder with the cardiac rhythm. It makes it difficult to fall asleep at an appropriatetime and can delay your sleep by at least two hours. DSWPD is a common disorder, affecting approximately 15% of adolescents.


People can get insomnia for various reasons, from mental health to pain and discomfort at night to other sleep disorders.

It can be short-term, long-term, or it can come and go.Melatonin is shown to help those with insomnia to fall asleep and stay asleep better.


Since melatonin helps you wind down, it can be ideal for those who suffer from anxiety. Research has been done on individuals going in for a major surgery.

They were given melatonin supplements to help reduce some of their anxietysymptoms.

Sleep Disorders in Children

Certain disorders make it difficult for children to fall asleep or stay asleep. Conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cause children and adolescents to have trouble falling asleep.

How to Take Melatonin

For the best results, it’s essential to know how to take melatonin supplements. Below are some tips on how to take it for the first time:

Start with a Low Dose

When taking melatonin, as with any other new supplement, you should always start at a lower dose. This allows your body to react to it without causing any adverse side effects. You can then gradually start increasing the dosage over time.

Take it One to Two Hours Before Bed

Melatonin needs time to work, so take it about an hour or two before bedtime to get a restful night’s sleep. Make sure you don’t drive or operate any other heavy machinery after taking your melatonin supplement.

Don’t Take it Longterm

Remember that your body naturally makes melatonin, so don’t be dependent on a supplement for sleep. Taking a melatonin supplement for prolonged periods can stop your body from producing it.

Note Which Medications You’re Currently Taking

Melatonin may interact with certain medications, so it’s wise to talk to your doctor before taking any melatonin supplements. Some of these may include:

  • Antidepressants
  • Blood thinners
  • Other sleep aids
  • Diabetes medication

Additional Ways to Help You Sleep Better

Melatonin can help you get better sleep, but there are other ways you can improve your sleep hygiene to feel more rested. Besides just taking melatonin in gummy bears, the following should help you sleep better:

  • Reduce blue light exposure in the evening
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day
  • Avoid long daytime naps
  • Maintain a consistent sleep/wake schedule

Are You Interested in Trying Melatonin in Gummy Bears?

It’s always great to take melatonin supplements in the way that’s easiest for you. If you have difficulty swallowing pills or have a bit of a sweet tooth, melanin in gummy bears might be your best option! You should feel well-rested in no time.

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